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Jessica Bradsher

Jessica Bradsher is a visual artist specializing in metal sculpture and painting who is living and working in Greenville, North Carolina. She creates with themes ranging from whimsical to contemplative in her outdoor sculptural pieces. Her work has led her to recently install public sculptures across the United States. Jessica earned her MFA in 2018 at East Carolina University and currently teaches visual arts and sculpture at John Paul II Catholic High school in Greenville. She believes it is important to be an example to her students of a productive, working, successful artist to show the next generation the possibilities found within the arts.


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Ricordea Coral
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The Underwater Museum of Art is a permanent sculpture park located in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico off Grayton Beach State Park, in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. The museum’s exhibits lie within a mile of the shore at a depth of ~58 feet.

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