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Maxine Orange

Although I didn't realize it til later, being a cute little jewish girl from Montgomery Alabama with a name like Maxine Orange, was a wonderful tool for building character. Supportive family and two crafty grandmas contributed to my love for making and creating. I am so grateful to have experienced a multifaceted career as a creative person on 3 corners of this beautiful US of A. I'm a multi-tasker and always out to help someone else out, which in some way or another are both always leading me towards learning experiences and growth on my creative journey. Helping other artists on their path of creative success is another passion that I enjoy exploring. I love sharing my joy of creativity with the world through my art and I hope to inspire others to find any source of creativity that speaks to you.


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Ricordea Coral
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The Underwater Museum of Art is a permanent sculpture park located in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico off Grayton Beach State Park, in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. The museum’s exhibits lie within a mile of the shore at a depth of ~58 feet.

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