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By Artist

Justin Gaffrey

Justin Gaffrey’s SELF PORTRAIT stands eight feet tall and is inspired by other recent sculpture the Santa Rosa Beach, Fla. artist has created, however this sculpture will be created from welded stainless steel bar. Gaffrey is internationally known for his primary body of work in heavy acrylic impastos often one to six inches thick, but he enjoys challenging himself in vast mediums and creates free-standing sculptural works and paintings in his local studio. As a self-taught artist, Gaffrey’s work challenges the norms of art, pushing boundaries and constantly changing.


Created by

Justin Gaffrey

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O.B. Laurent Construction

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The Underwater Museum of Art is a permanent sculpture park located in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico off Grayton Beach State Park, in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. The museum’s exhibits lie within a mile of the shore at a depth of ~58 feet.

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