Weather and wifi permitting, you'll be able to watch all of the action LIVE from the barge on August 8 at 10 a.m. central standard time as the 6th installation of sculptures are safely delivered to their new home at the Underwater Museum of Art. This year's additions include Reef Goddess by Raine Bedsole (Santa Rosa Beach, FL), Deep Sea Three by Matthew Gemmell and David Showalter (Baltimore, MD), Sea How We Flow by Elise Gilbert (Santa Rosa Beach, FL), Poseidon's Throne by Nathan Hoffman (Highlandville, MO), Bubbly Barnacles by Donna Conklin King (East Orange, NJ) Sunken Spores by Ashley Rivers (Gulfport, FL) and Ring My Bell by Bradley Touchstone (Santa Rosa Beach, FL). The 2024 artworks will join the 40 sculptures previously deployed on a one-acre permit patch of seabed off Grayton Beach State Park, further expanding the nation’s first permanent underwater museum to 47 art works!
The CAA & SWARA would like to extend a huge thank you to our deployment partners and UMA sponsors including Dive 30A, Florida Arts & Culture, Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & Spa, Influence Ocean, Laurel Machine & Foundry, Seagrove Village Market Café, SearchNexus, Sky Pro Imaging, Spring Run Media, St. Joe Community Foundation, The Alys Foundation, The Ellis Family, The National Endowment for the Arts, Touchstone Architecture, Visit Florida, Visit South Walton, and Walter Marine / Reefmaker.